17 Things To Do While Using Cannabis in Honour of 10/17 Legalization Day in Canada

On October 17th, 2018, Canada made history by legalizing cannabis for recreational use nationwide. Since then, Canadians have embraced this newfound freedom and are incorporating cannabis into their daily lives in many ways. Soma Leaf Co. wants to explore how to celebrate this year.

Here are 17 different activities or things to do while using cannabis in honour of 10/17 legalization day in Canada:

1. Go for a nature walk: Getting outside and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes of Canada can be a transformative experience that's even more enjoyable with the help of cannabis.

2. Listen to music: Enhance your listening experience with some cannabis. It can help you fully immerse yourself in the music and even pick up on new elements you might not have heard before.


3. Watch a movie: Watching a movie high can make it feel like a completely different experience. The vibrant colours, enhanced emotions, and greater attention to detail can make the story come alive in a whole new way.


4. Create art: Whether it's painting, drawing, sculpting or any other form of artistic expression, cannabis can help spark creativity and bring new inspiration to your work.


5. Do yoga: Combining cannabis with yoga can help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation, increase mindfulness and enhance overall wellness.


6. Cook or bake: Experimenting in the kitchen can be a fun and creative way to explore cannabis. Try adding it to your favourite recipes or whip up some cannabis-infused goodies and share them with friends.


7. Meditate: Cannabis can help calm the mind and decrease anxiety, which can make meditation even more rewarding.


8. Read a book: Cannabis can help you focus and absorb information more deeply, making reading a particularly enjoyable and enriching activity.


9. Play games: Whether it's board games, video games or even sports, cannabis can heighten the senses and make games even more fun and engaging.


10. Socialize with friends: Cannabis has a way of bringing people together and fostering meaningful connections. Try spending time with friends while enjoying its effects.


11. Take a bath: Set the mood with candles or music and experience the ultimate relaxation with a cannabis-infused bath bomb or oil.


12. Learn a new skill: Whether it's a new language, instrument, or hobby, cannabis can help you concentrate and feel more motivated to learn.


13. Write: Cannabis can help you tap into your creative side and express yourself in new and interesting ways.


14. Explore spirituality: Cannabis has been used for centuries in spiritual practices. Use it to connect with your spirituality or embark on a spiritual journey.


15. Exercise: A little bit of cannabis before the gym can help you feel energized and focused, making your workout more enjoyable.


16. Have a picnic: Take your cannabis-infused goodies and head outdoors for a relaxing and tasty picnic with friends.


17. Travel: With its legalization, cannabis tourism has become a new industry in Canada. Explore new places and cultures while incorporating cannabis into your travel experiences.

In conclusion, the legalization of cannabis in Canada has opened up a world of possibilities for individuals to enjoy this remarkable plant. Whether it's through exploration of new activities, a deeper connection to oneself or others, or a newfound appreciation for life, cannabis can bring a positive change to our lives. It's exciting to see what the future holds for this rapidly evolving industry.

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